What I Can Help You With

Psychometric Assessments

At Talent 4.0, we use valid and reliable assessments, which are classified and approved by the Health Professions Council of South Africa. Psychometric tests are generally used to measure personality traits or personal characteristics about a person including aspects such as styles or modes of w...

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Talent Management

Recruitment and selection
- Design behavioural competency-based interview guides
- Job profiling-Job analyses and job description
- Competency modelling

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Human Capital Consulting

- Contracts and conditions of service
- Policies, procedures and Administrative services

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Career Guidance

- Subject choice for grade 10
- Grade 10-12 Individual - Assessment and Career Guidance
- Grade 9-11 Career Exploration Workshop
- Grade 12 Workshop: Matric Exam Prep & University Applications

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Organizational Development

1. Change management
2. Organisational design
3. Performance management
4. Leadership development
Assessment instruments-Used in developing candidates for leadership and identifying leadership traits.
- Multirater (360-degree) feedback
- Coaching
- Mentoring

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Coaching and Mentoring

Coaching is the process of equipping people with the tools, knowledge, and opportunities they need to fully develop themselves to be effective in their commitment to themselves, the company, and their work.

An alliance which focuses on developing an individual to become their “best sel...

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Employment Relations

- Chairing disciplinary hearings
- Facilitate grievance discussions
- Labour relations guidance in Retrenchment, unfair dismissals, disciplinary, grievance procedures

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Workplace Counselling

- Burnout
- Work Stress
- Job performance
- Career counselling
- Workplace harassment /bullying
- Retrenchment
- Job change
- Trauma crisis debriefing

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Training and Development

- Basic Counselling skills
- Anger management
- Grief and Loss
- Career Exploration workshop
- Workplace Trauma workshop
- Office Administration and Record keeping
- Conflict Management
- Difficult discussions in the workplace
- Time management

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- Commitment Anxiety
- Phobias
- Panic attacks
- Generalised anxiety disorder
- Exam anxiety
- Social Phobia
- Success Inhibition
- Fear of failure
- All types of Performance Anxiety
- Self Worth/Self-Confidence Issues
- Fear of Authority
- R...

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Personal injury (including, but not limited to Road Accident Fund matters);
- Medical- or clinical negligence;
- Workplace / employment disputes;
- Contractual disputes.

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Talent 4.0 provides medico legal / Psycho legal support to attorneys wishing to consult and obtain reports on the following aspects:
- Pre-morbid vs. post morbid career paths;
- Pre-morbid vs. post morbid income, increases and promotions;
- Future employability;
- Loss of inco...

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BrainWorking® Recursive Therapy

What is BrainWorking® Recursive Therapy BrainWorking® Recursive Therapy is an innovative new concept of psychotherapy, completely unlike anything that has gone before it. It presents an entirely new view of the subconscious mind – one that is extremely ‘user friendly’ and easy f...

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At Talent 4.0, we use valid and reliable assessments, which are classified and approved by the Health Professions Council of South Africa.
Psychometric tests are generally used to measure personality traits or personal characteristics about a person including aspects such as styles or modes of working, ability to think conceptually, decision-making styles and stress levels. In the employment context, psychometric tests have frequently been used to help provide additional information about persons for purposes of employment, promotions, personal development etc.

In South Africa, Section 8 of the Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998 (“EEA”) sets out the requirements for psychological testing, which include psychometric tests. Section 8 states that:

  • Psychological testing and other similar assessments of an employee are prohibited unless the test or assessment being used-
  1. Has been scientifically shown to be valid and reliable;
  2. Can be applied fairly to all employees;
  3. Is not biased against any employee or group; and
  4. Has been certified by the Health Professions Council of South Africa established by section 2 of the Health Professions Act, 1974 (Act 56 of 1974), or any other body which may be authorised by law to certify those tests or assessments.

Provide advice on the development and selection of assessment tools for recruitment, selection and development purposes.

Basic Traits Inventory (BTI)
A South African-developed personality inventory that measures differences in personality traits

Career Interest Profile Version 7 (CIP v7)
Assist clients to interpret their interests, strengths, areas for development, potential, and career values and, in doing so, design a career plan or life theme.

Career Values Scale (CVS)
Assesses the alignment between career choices and values.

Maree Career Matrix (MCM)
Assists in the career journey of individuals by assessing and charting career interests and skills confidence.

Coping Scales
Assess the usage and helpfulness of a range of general and specific coping strategies.

Emotional Quotient Inventory® 2.0 (EQ-i® 2.0)
Scientifically measures emotional intelligence

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®)
Helps to improve work, increase productivity, clarify conflict, identify and develop leadership abilities and enhance interpersonal communication.

Strong Interest Inventory® 244
Guides individuals in the exploration of their interests to find their career path.

Study Orientation Questionnaire in Mathematics (SOM)
Assesses a learner’s interest and study orientation in mathematics.

The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument® (TKI)
Identifies conflict handling styles.

Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale 21 (DASS-21)
The DASS-21 is the short form of the DASS-42, a self-report scale designed to measure the negative emotional states of depression, anxiety and stress.

Burnout Self-Test Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI)
The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) is the most commonly used tool to self-assess whether you might be at risk of burnout.

Recruitment and Selection
We can assist you in finding the right talent by offering a bespoke service in managing your recruitment and selection process which includes

  • Advertising
  • Screening and shortlisting of candidates
  • Reference checking
  • Assessment of candidates
  • Interview Participation
  • Competency-based interview interview guide

WORK WITH US : Email: info@talent40.co.za

Design behavioural competency-based interview guides
Job profiling-Job analyses and job description
Competency modelling (A competency model is a framework for defining the skill and knowledge requirements of a job. It is a collection of competencies that jointly define successful job performance)

  • The 15 Factor Questionnaire Plus
  • The Occupational Personality Profile
  • The Jung Type Indicator

Integrity Testing

  • Giotto assessments

Emotional Intelligence

  • TEIQue assessments

Reasoning Abilities

  • The General Reasoning Test Battery (Verbal, numerical and abstract)
  • The Graduate Reasoning Test Battery
  • The Critical Reasoning Test Battery
  • The Clerical Test Battery
  • The Technical Test Battery

Career Choices

  • Occupational Interest Profile
  • Values and Motives inventory
  • Counselling and Development-This 360 appraisal system

Talent Acquisition

  • Recruitment & selection
  • Design behavioural competency-based interview guides
  • Job analyses and job description
  • Competency modelling
  • Contracts and conditions of service
  • Policies, procedures and Administrative services
  • Criminal Checks
  • Background checks

Subject choice for grade 10 (1.5 Hours)
Assessments use personal interests, values, academic history, and psychometric testing to tailor students’ academic paths. Talent 4.0 provides valuable guidance, helping students excel in subjects aligned with their passions and aptitudes, leading to a more fulfilling educational journey.

Grade 10-12 Individual- Assessment and
Career Guidance

  • Consultation
  • Assessment
  • Feedback

Career assessments analyze attributes like interests, values, preferences, motivations, aptitudes, and skills to gauge potential success and satisfaction in various career paths and work settings. They aid individuals of all ages in making informed educational and occupational decisions to manage their careers effectively. manageable.

Grade 9-11 Career Exploration Workshop (4 Hours)
Self-knowledge is vital for personal and professional growth, involving understanding strengths, capabilities, character, emotions, and motivations. To begin self-discovery, engage in deep reflection. Explore values, personality, and interests to better understand yourself.

Grade 12 Workshop: Matric Exam Prep & University Applications (2.5 Hours)

  • Matric exam prep and university application guidance
  • Understanding Admission Points Score (APS) and National Benchmark Tests (NBT)
  • Access to tertiary institution prospectuses for 2025
  • Online learning tips
  • Learning styles and effective time management
  • Exam preparation and study skills
  • Career assessments for graduates /young professionals/adult career change
  • Commitment Anxiety
  • Phobias
  • Panic attacks
  • Generalised anxiety disorder
  • Exam anxiety
  • Social Phobia
  • Success Inhibition
  • Fear of failure
  • All types of Performance Anxiety
  • Self Worth/Self-Confidence Issues
  • Fear of Authority
  • Relationship Issues
  • Grief
  • PTSD

Change management
Change management is defined as the methods and manners in which a company describes and implements change within both its internal and external processes. Developing a structured approach to organisational change is critical to help ensure a beneficial transition while mitigating disruption at the individual, team and organizational level.

Organisational design – Talent 4.0 can gain a deep insight into your organization’s current state of performance, strength and weaknesses by implementing a diagnostic assessment.
Getting to the root causes of organizational issues, we will help you enhance your organizations structure, strategy and through your leadership team, create a clear strategic mandate by designing criteria that your organization needs to meet, and achieve, its business goals.

Performance management – Performance management is a strategic approach to creating and sustaining improved performance in employees, leading to an increase in the effectiveness of companies.

  • Develop clear role definitions, expectations and goals
  • Increase employee engagement
  • Develop managerial leadership and coaching skills
  • Boost productivity through improved performance
  • Develop a performance reward program that incentivizes accomplishment

Leadership development – Leadership is a behaviour, not a position. Leadership is inspiring people to live the vision, mission and values of the organization. Once an organization is committed to the goal of leadership development, numerous tools and techniques are available to accomplish that goal; however, the process may be handled differently depending on the size and type of the organization.

Assessment instruments-Used in developing candidates for leadership and identifying leadership traits.

Multirater (360-degree) feedback

  • Multirater feedback—also known as 360-degree feedback—involves measurement of a person’s leadership performance and abilities from the perspective of relevant viewpoints, including self, subordinates, supervisors and possibly external stakeholders.


  • Executive coaching is often employed in conjunction with assessment instruments. The coaching process can help individuals understand their assessment data and apply it to real-life situations.


  • Mentoring is a form of coaching in which a more senior person participates actively in the professional development of a junior person, usually within the same organization. Mentoring may be done informally, as is usually the case, but it can also be formalized.

Leader-to-leader development

  • Pairing senior executives with leaders who are new to their role or an organization allows for mentoring that can result in benefits such as knowledge transfer, confidence building and open collaboration

Emotional intelligence development

  • Emotional intelligence describes the ability of an individual to be sensitive and understanding to the emotions of others, as well as to manage his or her own emotions and impulses.

Coaching is the process of equipping people with the tools, knowledge, and opportunities they need to fully develop themselves to be effective in their commitment to themselves, the company, and their work.

An alliance which focuses on developing an individual to become their “best self” and to contribute their “best fit” and talents.

Mentoring is more development driven, looking not just at the professional’s current job function but beyond, taking a more holistic approach to career development

  • Business coaching for business owners and leaders
  • Integrative life coaching
  • Career choices coaching
  • Chairing disciplinary hearings
  • Facilitate grievance discussions
  • Labour relations guidance in Retrenchment, unfair dismissals, disciplinary, grievance procedures
  • Burnout
  • Work Stress
  • Job performance
  • Career counselling
  • Workplace harassment /bullying
  • Retrenchment
  • Job change
  • Trauma crisis debriefing
  • Basic Counselling skills
  • Anger management
  • Grief and Loss
  • Career Exploration workshop
  • Workplace Trauma workshop
  • Office Administration and Record keeping
  • Conflict Management
  • Difficult discussions in the workplace
  • Time management
  • Communication Skills
  • Email and business writing skills
  • Assertiveness training
  • Interviewing and CV Writing
  • Stress Management
  • Personal injury (including, but not limited to Road Accident Fund matters);
  • Medical- or clinical negligence;
  • Workplace / employment disputes;
  • Contractual disputes.

These services are provided in consultation with a registered practicing Attorney specialising in mediation.

Talent 4.0 provides medico legal / Psycho legal support to attorneys wishing to consult and obtain reports on the following aspects:

  • Pre-morbid vs. post morbid career paths;
  • Pre-morbid vs. post morbid income, increases and promotions;
  • Future employability;
  • Loss of income scenarios.
  • Establishing working capacity
  • Determining potential loss of earnings

When applicable, psychometric evaluation is also conducted. Our methods and process ensure a comprehensive Medico-Legal / Psycho-Legal Report.

What is BrainWorking® Recursive Therapy
BrainWorking® Recursive Therapy is an innovative new concept of psychotherapy, completely unlike anything that has gone before it. It presents an entirely new view of the subconscious mind – one that is extremely ‘user friendly’ and easy for the client to understand – as well as an elegant way of providing psychotherapy that gets easily beneath the Conscious Critical Faculty.

This therapy is largely content-free, using the client’s own thought processes to affect a release from the symptomatic pattern – and there is a strict protocol which ensures maximum effectiveness and complete safety.

BWRT® has been designed to remove emotive responses from memories that are deeply troubling and create new, adaptive neural pathways that do not have the old undesirable emotional responses attached to it.

The therapy extends the neural pathways so that the client/patient’s brain knows the new patterns to use in future. Every new experience creates a new template. In fact, immediately the therapy is finished, the client can no longer feel any negative response to the usual trigger for their presenting symptom, no matter how hard they try to ‘fire it up’.

Conditions treatable with BWRT®:

  • Commitment Anxiety
  • Phobias
  • Panic attacks
  • Generalised anxiety disorder
  • Exam anxiety
  • Social Phobia
  • Success Inhibition
  • Fear of failure
  • All types of Performance Anxiety
  • Self-Worth/Self-Confidence Issues
  • Fear of Authority
  • Relationship Issues
  • Grief
  • PTSD

Advantages of BWRT
It is a quick process:
Gone are the days of months and months of therapy. You may be surprised as to how quickly the very positive feelings BWRT will bring about. It does not matter where the problem is coming from, how serious it is or for how long you are experiencing this problem, the principle stays the same – all we need to do, is to change your neurology. All of this can happen within a session or two, depending on the problem.

It is a private process:
You will be able to address any problem you have, without the need to reveal them. You will not be asked about your childhood, family, sex life, relationships, your past or anything else you would rather keep private unless you want to talk about it. The only thing your therapist needs to know is what you want to be able to do or be able to stop doing.

It is non-intrusive:
The work is done at a conscious level, so you will be completely aware of the process all the time. We also don’t go into the detail of the problem so you may not become re-traumatized.

It focuses on the outcome:
BWRT® is not really interested in the origin of the problem but is focused on the outcome – where you want to be.

It does not matter how severe it was or how long ago it happened:
It does not matter how traumatic an incident was or how long you are suffering from your symptoms. The brain does not do chronology. We are focusing on the effect it has on you in the here and now. It also does not concern itself about how severe an incident was of how severe your depression, anxiety or whatever symptoms you may present. BWRT works with the interpretation of the problem in the here and now. The methodology stays the same.

The results are lasting:
Once a new neural pathway is established, it cannot return to the old negative neural pathways.

What happens during a BWRT® session?
Initially, the principles behind BWRT® will be explained in more detail. Your brain is like a computer. (By the way, all prototypes of computers are designed after the human brain). The software your brain is using is your memories. These memories cause problems. We are literally going to freeze the old software and install new, positive software.

You will then be guided through the process with your eyes closed and in a completely alert state, until you have reached your desired state. Although you are fully aware of what is going on, you may not really understand what your therapist is doing. Within 15-20 minutes during the process you will experience a fast, substantial and permanent relief of your symptoms.

In a session, you will be guided to use your own thoughts – without your therapist even knowing what those thoughts are. The process is completely logical, practical and down-to-earth. All it needs to be successful is for you to want to make positive changes in your life.

This is done in a special way to create a totally natural change that comes from within you rather than from suggestions made by your therapist.

You will not even realise the complex theory of neuroscience behind BWRT®, which will be discussed in the next section.

BWRT Level 2 aims to address the following:
Postpartum Depression
Eating Disorders
Binge eating disorder
Sexual obsession
Porn addiction
Masturbation fixation
Bullying (relationship or school)
Substance Abuse